
How to Use GU iCloud for Online Education

GU iCloud is a web-based education administration software that helps universities and colleges run better. It is a product of iCloudEMS, a market leader in end-to-end unified education management solutions. In this blog post, we will explore how to use GU iCloud for online education, and what benefits it offers to students, faculty and management.

What is GU iCloud?

GU iCloud is a web-enabled education administration software that powers student-centric education in universities and colleges. It helps universities and colleges of all sizes and streams run better – from admissions to academics, back office to accreditations, desktop to mobiles. It empowers students, faculty and management to collaborate efficiently and use insights effectively, benchmarking quality education while creating personalized learning experience.

GU iCloud is used by Galgotias University, one of the top-ranked universities in India. Galgotias University offers various undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in engineering, management, law, applied sciences, medical and allied sciences, education, media and communication studies, hospitality and tourism.

How to Use GU iCloud for Online Education?

GU iCloud provides a user-friendly interface for online education. Students can access GU iCloud through their web browsers or mobile devices. They can log in with their admission number and password. Once logged in, they can access various features such as:

  • Course registration: Students can register for their courses online through GU iCloud. They can choose their electives, view their course details, syllabus, faculty information, etc.
  • Online classes: Students can attend online classes through GU iCloud. They can join live sessions with their faculty, interact with them through chat or audio/video, view recorded lectures, download study materials, etc.
  • Assignments and assessments: Students can submit their assignments and take their assessments online through GU iCloud. They can upload their files, answer multiple-choice questions, fill in the blanks, etc. They can also view their grades and feedback from their faculty.
  • Attendance and progress: Students can track their attendance and progress online through GU iCloud. They can view their attendance percentage, class-wise attendance, attendance summary, etc. They can also view their academic performance, course-wise marks, semester-wise marks, etc.
  • Student portal: Students can access their personal information and preferences online through GU iCloud. They can update their profile, change their password, view their fee details, pay their fee online, etc.

What are the Benefits of Using GU iCloud for Online Education?

GU iCloud offers many benefits to students, faculty and management for online education. Some of the benefits are:

  • Convenience: GU iCloud enables students to access their courses anytime and anywhere. They can learn at their own pace and convenience. They can also save time and money by avoiding travel and accommodation expenses.
  • Flexibility: GU iCloud allows students to choose from a wide range of courses and electives. They can also customize their learning experience according to their interests and goals.
  • Quality: GU iCloud ensures quality education by providing qualified and experienced faculty, updated curriculum, interactive pedagogy, etc. It also provides feedback and support to students to improve their learning outcomes.
  • Collaboration: GU iCloud fosters collaboration among students and faculty. It enables them to communicate and share ideas through chat, audio/video conferencing, forums, etc. It also creates a sense of community and belonging among the learners.
  • Innovation: GU iCloud leverages the latest technologies and tools to enhance the online education experience. It uses artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data analytics, etc. to provide personalized and adaptive learning solutions.


GU iCloud is a web-based education administration software that helps universities and colleges run better. It is a product of iCloudEMS, a market leader in end-to-end unified education management solutions. It is used by Galgotias University, one of the top-ranked universities in India. It provides a user-friendly interface for online education. It offers various features such as course registration, online classes, assignments and assessments, attendance and progress, student portal, etc. It also offers many benefits such as convenience, flexibility, quality, collaboration and innovation.

If you are interested in using GU iCloud for online education or want to know more about it, you can visit its official website or contact its support team. You can also follow its social media pages for updates and news

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